Eastern Maine Baseball Umpires Association

Our Association uses an Executive Board system to run our day to day operations. We vote on all issues that effect the board in our annual general membership meetingsEach Executive Board member holds the office for a 3-year term.

2025 Executive Board Members
President - Lon Bagley (exp 2026)
Secretary / Treasurer - Steve Salsbury (exp 2025)
Interpreter - Rob Curtis (exp 2026)
* Assignor - Chris Parker 
Member at Large - Troy Lare (exp 2027)
Member at Large - Mark Bridgham (exp 2025)
* Legal Representative - Richard Tucker Esq.

Committees / Training
Ethics Committee - * Dick Tucker, * Stu Markoon, * John Brooks
New Member Training -  Troy Lare (appointed)
Ratings Coordinator - Tom Grant (appointed)
Recruiting Committee - Tom Grant, Rob Curtis
Umpire Clinic - Troy Lare,  Rob Curtis

* = Non-Voting member of the board
Contact Information
Information - Steve Salsbury
Assignor - Chris Parker
Interpreter - Rob Curtis
New Member Info - Troy Lare