Eastern Maine Baseball Umpires Association
On this page we will post information that we receive from schools about the current season.

Sumner High School
I just wanted to send you information on where we are going to play. My hope is to have this location available on rschooltoday so that you can utilize the map feature on it's site.

For the foreseeable future we will be playing our home games at Peninsula Middle School located in prospect harbor. Below is the address:

71 Main St, Prospect Harbor, ME 04669

You'll stay to the right and drive towards the back of the school. The baseball field is straight away, however the softball field is tucked out back.

Please let me know if you require further directions.
Rick Dube M. Ed.
(He, Him, His)
Sumner Memorial High School
P.E & Health Teacher
PBE/ILE Coordinator
21st Century Maine Co-Site Leader
Athletic Director.

Posted 3/27/21
Mansfield Stadium
The umpire room at the stadium will not be available, at least to start the season, because of Covid stuff.
Everyone needs to enter through the main gate, so they can count people. The people gates going on to the field will be blocked for now as well.
So, umpires need to come dressed or change near the hockey rink. Probably will have to go on to the field through the tractor gate, on the first base side of the field..

Posted 3/27/21